Let's make you go viral!

Whether you sing on the big stage, in your car, or in your room, we would love to see your performance and give you a reaction!


Get seen on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook
by millions of people across all platforms!

The 3-step process

to getting your very own InstaReaction...


Submit your video

Send us your video, social handles, and email



Our team reviews your submission for selection



Tara personally reacts to your video and posts the reaction video across all social platforms

Featured Reactions


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Submit your video for a chance to have Tara Simon (@tarasimonstudios) react to YOU!

If selected, Tara will personally react to your video and post it across all of her social platforms with hundreds of millions of views!

(You will be fully refunded if not selected)

By submitting, you are consenting to receiving email communication from the Tara Simon Studios team

Submission Guidelines

Please note that submitting a video for review does not guarantee it will be featured. We review submissions to ensure they meet the criteria for Tara Simon Studios social platforms.

Video Quality Requirements
Content Guidelines
Content Length
Selection Process